1) I got my hair done on Friday at the local beauty school. It always takes a minimum of 4 hrs and this time was no exception. I went in blonde with some serious roots and 5 1/2 hrs later I left with a deep rich brown color! Love it!
2)My friend Stacy and I had the opportunity to serve at a local group home. This was our first time and we went over to prepare a meal for what we though was going to be a group of young girls..turns out they were on vacation so we were redirected to a group home of teenage boys. Needless to say we needed more food and ended up ordering a pizza LOL.
3) We just wrapped up our summer mid-week series at church and it was awesome! It was called "Authentic" a sermon series by James McDonald.
4) My husband in general is pretty awesome. Im so glad God placed him in my life! + he booked our flights to Europe this week!! We officially leave Sept. 8th and will be visiting Switzerland and Paris. SO so so excited!
5) Girls weekend in T- 3 hours! Or at least I'll be on the road to my girls weekend then. So very excited for pedicures,shopping, food and girl time....but I will miss my Brian a lot.
Hope you have fun on both of your trips! :)