
Love Story

Brian and I met in the fall of 2010 through our mutual friend Jeremy. We were both interested that first night we met so we went on a few dates. Brian was very up front about what he was looking for, he was ready to find that person he was going to settle down and spend the rest of his life with. Unfortunately that was about the same time that my parents, who had been married 27 years, separated. This caught me completely by surprise and left me feeling like I couldn't grow a serious relationship at that time.

  I told Brian that I wasn't really at a place to start a serious relationship and that I needed to focus on my family. We didn't really talk much or hang out over the next couple months until he and our mutual friend Jeremy moved in together. I was feeling better about my family situation and decided that I didn't want what was happening there to affect my relationships. I offered to help them move(which ended up with me hanging up all of Jeremy's clothes..in my OCD order ) and while I was there I re-met one of their friends and ended up dating him for a little over a month. Through that month we were hanging out with Jeremy and Brian a lot. I got to know Brian more and when the other relationship didn't work out , Brian expressed that he was still interested.  

We started dating in June of 2011 and were happily engaged in September 2011.

We just recently got married in March 2012 and our wedding was everything I hoped it would be! The best part was when it became real to me that I get to spend the rest of my life with my best friend! Every day is better than the last and I am excited to see what God has in store for our future together!

1 comment:

  1. YOu guys make such a wonderfully cute couple!

    Followed you


