
Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Oh, How Pinteresting!

This week I am linking up with Michelle at The Vintage Apple for Oh, How Pinteresting!
Todays theme? Desserts! All kinds! Some I've tried, some I cant wait to try!


1)Chocolate Peanut Butter Pretzel Pie. Oh my gosh, This is next on my list to try.

2)Oreo Trifle, Because everyone loves a good trifle!
Source: via Tiffany on Pinterest

3)Easy Berry Cobbler

4)Impossible Coconut Pie( one of my favorites!)
Source: google.com via Tiffany on Pinterest

5) Lazy Cookie Cake

6)Strawberry Cream Pie, So good! I've shared this recipe before.

7) Red White and Blue Pie

8)Chocolate Peanut Butter Dessert, Another favorite

9)Red Velvet Cheesecake Brownies

10)The Best Banana Pudding EVER


  1. Ohhhh boy. These all look amazing!! I'm usually pretty uncreative with desserts, but I'm always looking for things that I can serve to company (ie: not cookies). I think that peanut butter pie might just make its way to our table sometime soon! :)

    1. I was too and when it came to baking, forget it! I've made it my mission over the last 4 months to get better at desserts. Thank goodness for blogging and pinterest!

      If you make the peanut butter pie before me, be sure to let me know how it turns out!

  2. You're bad for my diet.
    Love your blog, and I am off to look at your Goodwill finds - I have an obsession myself and spend all my money there :)
    Happy Wednesday!

    1. Truth is I am only pinning because I'm cutting way back on desserts. If I cant eat them, i want someone else to enjoy them!

      Maybe I'll have to have some friends over for dinner as an excuse to make one?

      Thanks so much for stopping by!

  3. awwww hecky NO, I'm off this page, LMBo. i want most of these recipes. Enjoy them all. http://sidnereading.blogspot.com
